Our Mission Statement outlines the way we want to present Christ to the world. Our statement is as follows:
To be a community of faith, hope and love who,
in God's power make, nurture and equip
disciples of Jesus Christ
Church Outreach.
Our Church has spent quite some time this year in training for evangelism. We have worked through the Just Walk Across the Room course by Bill Hybels from Willow Creek Church in America. We were lucky to be reminded that sharing our faith does not have to be difficult, but rather is just a natural expression of Christ in us. If we can simply extend hands of friendship, people will be likely to come to know God, who lives in us.
We have also spent time discussing how to speak to people and how to offer someone a Gospel tract. One of our Deacons has written a number of tracts to enable us to hand out the Gospel message to those who are interested.
We have recently started to prayer walk our area and are readying ourselves to survey our community to find out what our communities needs are and how we can assist our community. We feel that if we serve our community in practical ways we are showing Christ to the world.
Mission Projects.
As a church we supports a number of mission projects both locally and abroad. Pendle Hill Baptist Church provides opportunities for being involved in prayer support, or financial involvement, or using your gifting in mission and evangelism. We are also embarking on two full days of prayer for our Baptist Mission organisation, Global InterAction on 6-7 November.
To be a community of faith, hope and love who,
in God's power make, nurture and equip
disciples of Jesus Christ
Church Outreach.
Our Church has spent quite some time this year in training for evangelism. We have worked through the Just Walk Across the Room course by Bill Hybels from Willow Creek Church in America. We were lucky to be reminded that sharing our faith does not have to be difficult, but rather is just a natural expression of Christ in us. If we can simply extend hands of friendship, people will be likely to come to know God, who lives in us.
We have also spent time discussing how to speak to people and how to offer someone a Gospel tract. One of our Deacons has written a number of tracts to enable us to hand out the Gospel message to those who are interested.
We have recently started to prayer walk our area and are readying ourselves to survey our community to find out what our communities needs are and how we can assist our community. We feel that if we serve our community in practical ways we are showing Christ to the world.
Mission Projects.
As a church we supports a number of mission projects both locally and abroad. Pendle Hill Baptist Church provides opportunities for being involved in prayer support, or financial involvement, or using your gifting in mission and evangelism. We are also embarking on two full days of prayer for our Baptist Mission organisation, Global InterAction on 6-7 November.